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David Cameron - Proud of his Scottish Heritage |
Unlike many in his party, David Cameron is a keen supporter
of the Union. The Tories have hardly had
a sniff in Scotland since Margaret Thatcher did so much to alienate even
affluent or aspirational Scots.
Consequently, there are those in the Conservative Party who would not
shed any tears if Scotland voted to go its own way in September’s referendum,
but the Prime Minister is not one of them.
Partly no doubt he is aware of his own place in
history. He does not want to be
remembered as the PM who lost Scotland?
Perhaps the fact that his own great grandfather was once a hill farmer
near Inverness plays a part. But more
than any of that, he just has a genuine and deeply ingrained sense of
Britishness, of Britain’s shared history, culture and traditions.
This is the reason that he has largely kept himself out of
the debate. He is well aware of how a
southern, public school educated Conservative would go down north of the border,
and particularly how Scotland’s redoubtable First Minister, Alex Salmond, could
make political capital with that. His
one significant contribution was an impassioned plea delivered from The Olympic
Park in London last February. Speaking
from the outside to the people of Scotland he said as emphatically as he could,
“We want you to stay!” He later revealed
that his aides had tried to steer him off the subject, but he said, “I care far
too much" about preventing the UK from being "torn apart" to
stay out of the debate.
Ironic then that the Cameron Government’s handling of
agriculture might turn out to be the issue which tilts Scotland toward a Yes
The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy is a huge and unwieldy
edifice. Although reduced from its
heyday in the 1970s when it accounted for 71% of the community’s expenditure it
still makes up a whopping 39%, making it by some measure the largest of the
EU’s initiatives. No longer concerned
exclusively with securing food production the CAP now includes targets for
environmental protection, social cohesion and regional regeneration across the
28 member states. Everyone agrees it
needs to be reformed. But equally
everyone has their own differing notions of what needs to change and how it
should be done. Unsurprisingly then
reforms take a long time to agree and implement. They more or less come in ten year cycles
with the latest version designed to cover the period from 2014 to 2020.
Negotiations were intense and often fraught, but the final
deal, seen as a victory for the reformers, saw a 3% reduction in overall CAP
spending from the Commission’s original proposal, translating to a 13%
real-terms reduction in payments to farmers across the continent. Payments are made in two so-called Pillars.
Pillar 1, The Single Farm Payment, is based on the number
of hectares in stewardship. This
represents a shift away from the old measure of production. Within Pillar 1 there is a commitment that by
2019 no member state should receive less than an averaged rate of €196 per
Pillar 2 is the Rural Development Programme designed to give
additional help to areas with special needs.
Officially the calculations for the breakdown of the rural development
budget between member states is based on a combination of past performance and
'objective criteria' such as area of farm land or number of farms. In reality it is much more opaque than that, and several member states were able to negotiate additional funding.
The allocations from both Pillars are paid to national
governments to distribute internally.
The UK Government’s allocation, to be further divided between England,
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, amounts to €3.549 billion in 2014, rising
to €3.592 billion in 2019 under Pillar 1. Critically, this figure includes a “convergence
uplift” because UK farm receipts per hectare fall below 90% of the community
average. Under Pillar 2 the UK will
receive €2.580 billion for the period 2014 – 2020.
To complicate matters further, member states were given some
‘pillar to pillar flexibility’. In most
cases this means they can transfer up to 15% of the money from Pillar 1 to
Pillar 2, or vice versa. The Commission had to receive notification of any
proposed reallocations by 31 December last year.

Instead, the UK Government decided to pro-rata the Uplift
payment among each of the receiving nations.
Accordingly Scotland will get only 16% of this uplift.
The SNP and the Vote Yes campaign have naturally painted
this as a direct loss to Scottish farmers of €187m.
To make matters worse, after absorbing the 13% real terms
cut to direct Pillar 1 payments, the average per hectare rate in Scotland will
drop to around €128 per hectare by 2019,
forecast to be the lowest in the EU. Of
course Alex Salmond can rightly claim that by the EU’s own rules, if Scotland
were a member state and not merely a region, it would have to receive no less
that €196 per hectare. In other words Scottish farmers are paying €68 per
hectare for the privilege of being in the UK.
Pillar 2 payments fare no better. Here the UK government has decided to retain
internal allocations based on historical patterns. Scotland will receive 18.5% of the total,
around €477.8m. But again on a per
hectare basis that puts them at a miserly €12 per hectare. Compare that with the allocation to the EU’s
newest member, Croatia, whose Pillar 2 allocation works out at €250 per
Ordinarily much of this detail would go unnoticed by the
mass of the population, but not this year, not with financial comparisons between
Scotland and her southern neighbour very much at the heart of the referendum
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Alex Salmond, Scotland's First Minister |
“Tories have handed Scotland worst deal in Europe” howls the
SNP website this week. ”The Tories in
Westminster…have handed Scotland the worst CAP deal in Europe and negotiated
Scotland to the bottom of the CAP funding league tables.”
Scottish farmers do have a case. If the CAP serves any purpose then it should
be to support struggling farmers in economically disadvantaged regions of
Europe. It was within the powers of the
Westminster Government to bring about a fairer distribution of CAP money in
Scotland, but for now it looks like a huge gift to the Yes campaign.
It will be ironic if David Cameron, the great grandson of a
Scottish farmer, should go down in history as the prime Minster who lost
Scotland because of his government’s agricultural policy.